Friday, February 22, 2013

A Strong and Happy Spirit

Life is full of challenges. Some of these can be exhilarating, such as the work leading up to a degree or new job. Some can be daunting, such as chronic pain or troubling life issues. Chronic pain because of its persistent nature can recall for us other sources of pain that need to be addressed. For example, perhaps we feel we're not living up to our potential, perhaps we would like to improve our outlook, perhaps we've put off addressing certain family issues, or perhaps we need to deal with troubling events that occurred in the past. To recognize and deal with such issues is a wonderful thing. It frees your spirit.

This needn't be overly stressful. In fact, the more gently you approach things of this nature, the more effective you may be. Start to think about what you would like to change or address. Think about resources that may be available. Make a plan which will utilize your own strengths and any outside expertise you may need. Rather than diving in too deep, pace yourself. Spend time constructively addressing the issue, take a break, do something fun, and then return to it when you are reenergized.

There's no time like the present to get to things that need doing. Nowhere is this more important than those issues which affect your spirit. A strong and happy spirit is the foundation of dealing effectively and productively with chronic pain. Do all you can to provide that for yourself.

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