Wednesday, February 20, 2013

I Am Who I Am

I've had some down time lately due to being sick. It seems that when I catch something, I'm usually in for a week or so of trying to bounce back to health. It can be slow going.

Some people I know are able to use their time well when sick. They may meditate, or read, or do some other quiet activity that is, nonetheless, enriching. Not I. When I am sick, it seems all I can do to get through the day . . . or, sleep through it.

I wish I were one of those who were able to use this down time to my advantage. I'm not sure why I am not. It may be because of constitution or nature. It may be because at times chronic pain has run me down in the first place. Whatever the reason, I usually come out of sickness behind in my endeavors rather than ahead.

This is actually something I'm okay with. That's not to say I wouldn't leap at the chance to be different. However, try as I might, I am who I am. Therefore, when sick, I relax, I achieve nothing other than gradual increase of health, and I think with pleasure about all the things I'll enjoy once I'm better.

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