Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Allowing It to Be

Allowing it to be. That phrase holds much import for many situations in life. In our culture, we may think that, no matter the situation, action is required if there is a problem. Fix it; erase it; adjust it. Whatever it takes. It can be surprisingly difficult to take a stance of peace and stillness.

Chronic pain brings with it a multitude of problems which may manifest as physical, but which also may be emotional or mental. The frustration of trying to sort it all out may be present. Sadness at the current situation may occur. Fear of what the future holds may arise. While we may not look forward to these experiences, we can use them to see more deeply into ourselves, our characters, and our bodies. If we allow these experiences simply to occur, if we are present with deliberate consciousness, they may provide an opportunity to evolve.

Understanding that we can be still as negative emotions wash over us tells us that we are brave. Peacefulness as we observe an inner storm swelling provides clarity about the nature of the storm. From this clarity we see how best to weather it. Sitting with our frustration allows us to untangle its threads and see how each can best be addressed. Resting in awareness of our cells, including those whose message is pain, opens a bridge to healing of the self.

Usually courage is seen as an inner trait that gives strength to fight the outer battles. In truth far more courage is required to face the inner turmoil. Allowing the turmoil to be, we see how to make our way through it.

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