Sunday, January 27, 2013


Persistence is one of those things that may feel out of reach just when you need it most. Chronic pain is there for the long haul and we can sometimes think we're a bit short on all that it takes to keep going. But a look at what persistence really is shows that we persist simply by being. We continue on with the chronic pain whether or not we want to. We are here. It's not going away, but neither are we.

There may be times when we have the energy to be proactive. We search out methods and means of relief. We exercise when possible. We read incessantly. We surf for solutions. At other times it's all we can do to get out of bed in the morning, if that. Through it all though we are persisting with this uninvited companion on our path.

To know we persist regardless is a welcoming thought. We meet a challenge every day that is daunting. Those who haven't experienced it can't begin to understand what life is for us. Whatever other challenges life may present, we face them with chronic pain. Yet, here we are. It's quite remarkable. We keep going, often cheerfully. When those times occur that we do think we are short on resources, we can remember that still we persist. And with that thought we can smile.

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