Thursday, March 21, 2013

Space in the Middle

Life is great when it seems like all the pieces are falling into place. It's just rolling along and it feels good. To be in that place can feel especially good when you have issues in your life such as chronic pain. When it all comes together it feels as though life has balanced out a little. What's not to like?

Then there can be times when it's a little off balance. A couple of things go wrong, but you're still on top of it. It's not as great as the best, but it's not too bad either. Pile on a couple of more things going wrong and it's not looking so good. A few more things going wrong and you're like someone trying to stop the dam from bursting all by yourself.

A natural tendency in that worst scenario is to resist. Fight it all and fight most of all against the fact that it is happening. However, that actually uses up a lot of energy. You're going to deal with each thing and each thing is going to take as long to resolve as it takes. Stopping for a moment and acknowledging that you're in the midst of a mess can be a good thing. This is part of life for pretty much everyone from time to time. Taking a good look around and saying, 'Well, here I am in the middle of it,' can be like taking a breath. It opens up space to regroup and in that space is energy, fresh energy to calmly tackle the next thing in front of you. Before you know it, that pile of things you have to deal with is lower. Over time it disappears and you're back in a good space, loving life.

In the midst of a mess, know you're in a mess, take a breath, make some space, find a smile, and keep going!

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