Monday, March 18, 2013


Self-monitoring is a somewhat rare, yet critically important skill. This is true for anyone, but especially those of us who deal with chronic pain. Have you ever found yourself in the midst of some activity you love, only to realize that you are tiring yourself out? You know you should have quit an hour ago, but it's so much fun! The reality is that it would have been better to quit while you were ahead. Playing now can mean that you will end up paying later.

The value of self-monitoring applies to most other aspects of life. How much should we say to others and when should we keep quiet? What dreams are worthy of pursuit and what are just distractions? Improving on our ability to self-observe and self-regulate is a sound investment of time. It will stand us in good stead in many areas, especially with regard to health.

There are so many aspects of good health. Nutrition, exercise, and outlook are just a few of the factors that make up our total health. The more we self-observe and make good judgments about our actions, thoughts, and feelings, the better this total picture will be.

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