Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Rest is so important in dealing with pain. It helps the cells heal and gives a much needed break from movement that can exacerbate pain. That said, it can be difficult to come by. Schedules can make it hard to rest. Pain can make rest difficult. Finally, other people can contribute to a lack of rest in unintended ways. Expectations of others can have an impact on our choices. Even when we make the best choice for our health, those expectations can have a dampening effect so that rest becomes, well, less restful as we cope emotionally and mentally with what others think we should be able to do.

In my experience chronic pain is most difficult to explain to those with excellent health. Though they may love you, may empathize with you, and may care that you are well, it is simply difficult for them to grasp the true impact of chronic pain. I have experienced just such people make suggestions that are beyond my capabilities. For instance, once while job hunting I received a suggestion that I go to a job fair. This particular fair was set up in such a way that I would have been standing for at least three hours. On a great day I could stand for maybe half an hour. Three hours? Not possible.

I've also experienced input ranging from subtle to direct that can be summarized by the question, "What are you doing?" Well, when I'm resting, it does not appear that I am doing anything. In fact, I am trying to heal, or at least rejuvenate to the point that I can manage the things I'm physically capable of doing. But it doesn't look like being busy.

For your own sake, it is important to understand this dynamic. You will be a happier person if you understand that others might not understand. If they don't, it may not be productive to try and explain, especially if explaining would be perceived as excusing your behavior. In such cases, breathe deeply and do what is best for yourself. With a solid internal understanding that rest is necessary for your health and a vital part of your practice, proceed to rest with peace in your heart.

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