Saturday, December 22, 2012


Most of us encounter pain in one form or another throughout life. The hope is that it's temporary and manageable. Some of us encounter pain that is chronic and severe. What do you do if you find yourself in the second category? This blog is about what I have found to work and work well. It is certainly not medical advice. It is actually not advice of any sort. It is simply an opportunity to share the things that have kept me on a positive path even though one companion on that path, pain, is not of my choosing.

First things first. Get a diagnosis. What a shame to tough it out only to find later that a fix was readily available. Even worse is allowing a serious condition to get out of control because it isn't addressed. I see practitioners of both Eastern and Western medicine. Some of them have apologized to me for giving me "bad news" - their words, not mine. I always view information as helpful. I want to know where I stand even if I don't like the look of the landscape.

Once you have all the information in hand and realize that part of this includes your communing daily with pain, take a deep breath. Be present with it. The worst thing you can do is run from pain because then you have two problems, the pain and your desire to get away from it. For the time being table your desire to be pain free. That may be part of your future, or not. You will be far more productive in dealing with your pain if you are present in the moment and fully aware.

As you are present, focus on your love for the cells in your body that are in pain. Let them breathe in as much oxygen as they need. Give them the space to do this. The body is always happier when the state it is in is acknowledged. That is your first gift to your body, allowing it to be as it is.

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